Here is a list of items you will find in Stage 2, Craggy Creek. Many of these items have no value now, but will help later in your quest. Some can be sold, and one or two will immediately help you on your journey.

Craggy creek is a more difficult area than before. Some of the enemies here can pack quite a punch. The ambient soundtrack is lonely. It reminds me of the time me and my dad went fishing by the river just outside of town. We parked in a gravel lot and then had to cross a littl bridge to get to the fishing spot. My dad found two sticks and through them into the water off the bridge and said "pick one!!" so i did. We stared down at the water below and waited for the sticks to come up from the river behind us and across to the other side, and mine won. I was so happy. But my dad told me, "the game is a little like life. We can't really tell what forces are pushing us forward, or who will get ahead first. But one thing is for sure, we are all stuck heading in the same direction, until we finally get lost at sea one day"

Anyways! There is some strong bad guys here but if you stay healed, you will do just fine. This is where the road splits off though, and what makes Arvin's Quest so unique. You get to choose which way you want to go after beating the boss here, the Succubus Enola. Both paths eventually lead to the same place. and "WHERE IS THAT" you might be asking?? THE END OF THE GAME of course!

Just like the game, in this guide you get to choose which way you want to go next!

Click HERE if you want to go into the Cavernous Cave.

Click HERE if you want to go to the Serene Swamp.

Do choices really matter? When we get to the end of the river, if it all turns out the same in the end, why does it make a difference what fork we choose? You are only at the beginning and already you have been deceived by the false promise of choice...of hope. Oh, what a hero you will make.