Grassy Plains is the first area you enter, and where the introduction to the game takes place.

"Father, it's me." Arvin says as the level begins, with Arvin looking out into the sunrise. "I hope you can hear me. I vow that I will find The Source and avenge your death." Arvin sets out on the first leg of his journey.

The journey is long and difficult. It will take Arvin a long time to find The Source.

So far, not much of the store is given away, so we will have to consult the game manual if we want to know more. In an excerpt describing the first stage, it says: "Arvin has a long journey ahead. His quest is just beginning! The Grassy Plains have been corrupted by evil. Arvin will have to face many foes in his path and look for clues about the whereabouts of his family."

Arvin's Quest, similar to Star Tropics, is broken down into exploration and action sequences taking place across many different isolated stages. There is not much challenge in the first stage. Simply follow the path, and make sure to head off the trail occassionally in order to pick up health and coins hidden in the grass.Eventually you will come to the end of the path, and will face Esaelp the Manticore. Esaelp is powerful and without full heatlh it may be difficult to defeat him.

You must try hard. You must not quit. You must keep going.

Click NEXT to go to the second stage of Arvin's Quest!!